About Head Start

EMAA Head Start provides Head Start services during the months of August – June of each year. Our children attend class for 7 hours per day Monday – Thursday.

Head Start is a child development program designed for three to five-year-old children from low-income families with the hope of breaking the cycle of poverty. The Head Start approach involves including the parent as the child’s primary educator and getting the entire family and community involved. Since 1965, Head Start has been helping meet children’s needs by offering the following services:

  • Health—Medical and dental health screening and follow-up is designed to help children feel their best.
  • Nutrition—Head Start serves a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack and promotes nutrition awareness to help children build strong bodies.
  • Parent Involvement/Social Services–Families, whose basic needs are met and who are involved in the lives of their children, provide their children with a wonderful head start in life!
  • Education—Our program is designed to meet the social/emotional, intellectual, language and physical needs of children
  • Disabilities—Our program is enriched with the presence of others with disabilities.  At least 10% of the children in our program have disabilities.
  • Mental Health—We contract with a licensed psychologist, our Healthy Living Counselor to provide services to children, families, and staff.

Head Start Central Office Contact Information

Phone: 573-454-2200
Fax: 573-431-2129
Courtney Laramore, x1118

Coaching Specialist

Brandi Adams, x1116

Training Specialist:
Denise Teasley, x1119
Administrative Assistant/Fiscal Regulator:
Hadlee Woods, x1112
Health Specialist/Disabilities:
Candice Winick, x1115
Nutrition Specialist:
Cecila Crawford, x1139
Parent Involvement /
Social Services Specialist:
Heather Kozicky, x1158
Education/Mental Health Specialist:
Evelyn Pyatt, x1145